Unsung Heroes is our series about the many members of the Fighting Game Community who work behind the scenes to make our community a vibrant, positive, exciting place to be. If you would like to submit your own Unsung Heroes, contact us here or @toptiergg.
Listen below for our interview with Nogarremi, a TO, commentator, and all-around utility player for the Fighting Game Communities of r/StreetFighter and the Rochester Institute of Technology!
If you want to know more about RIT FGC events, check out the toptier page here.
Eli Horowitz (@BODIEDnovel) once had a job as a talk-show host at a restaurant that only served waffles. Obviously he’s a little out of practice. Follow him on twitter for FGC positivity and highlights, tortured puns, and news about his FGC-based novel.