Vante “NG-Obscure” Flint, the American player currently ranked 26th on the Tekken World Tour standings, recently posted his “roster thoughts” about the current Tekken season:
Season 3 has been pretty sick so far! Figured I’d update my overall roster thoughts for this season. What do you all think? 🙂
Few things:
-most of these are interchangeable
-this is NOT a tier list
-my word is not law, feel free to disagree with me so we can discuss things! pic.twitter.com/y6qiJuuaKR— BDG | NG-Obscure 🔥 (@NgObscure) September 28, 2019
Unlike the traditional tier list, NG-Obscure sorts each character into an archetype and then describes the skills that a player must have in order to succeed with that archetype. Interestingly, at least one representative for each of NG-Obscure’s categories can be found in the top 20 on the TWT leaderboard.