The game play trailer for Millia Rage and Zato-1 are revealed for Guilty Gear Strive
Zato starts off with showing off his signature puppet moves with his shadow Eddy. The moves that Zato seems to have retained are his ground drills and command grab that traps the opponent in a big ball of sharks. Some new moves shown are the line of drills, a double spear attack, and giant frog leap from Eddy. The Eddy shadow also seems to be able to move much faster than other iterations. The video shows that Eddy is easily able to get to the other side of the opponent to sandwich them in with attacks from both sides.
Millia shows her extreme speed and fast mix up potential. She has many of her iconic moves like the disc projectile, the command roll, the fast hair stabbing attack, and her moon attack. She seems to have just one new move that is a rising attack that allows her to follow up with standard aerial attacks. Some of her original moves seem to have gotten a makeover namely the hair disc. The disc doesn’t surround her anymore but will be thrown forward a short distance instead with both the instantly active and the delayed version. The hair disc also has her airborne during the attack, so it could prove to have some nasty mixups when utilized with Roman Cancel. Her airdash is also extremely fast after the start up making for great cross up potential.
Check out the full game play trailer here: