GO1 (@GO13151) shares his new Dragon Ball FighterZ tier list.
GO1’s non ordered tier list has the usual suspects up in S tier with GT Goku, Teen Gohan, Kid Buu, Bardock, and Adult Gohan. Surprising to see Yamcha so far up because his damage is so low, but it could be the fact that his assist is extremely good along with his mix up potential.
Krillin here is actually supposed to be in C tier (GO1 didn’t know how to make the frame bigger). Poor Krillin =(
See his full character tier list here:
new tier list
クリリンはCです。枠の増やし方わからん・・・w pic.twitter.com/V4ZHXZ24zW— CAG / GO1 (@GO13151) November 6, 2019
Here GO1 sees that the full screen beam assists are essentially the best assists in the game. GT Goku is close to S for GO1 due to the versatility of the assist. Yet again Krillin is at the bottom in D tier (at least he’s not by himself?).
Pls Bamco, buff Krillin.
See his full assist tier list here:
assist tier list
i think beam assist strongest.
GTのアシストはかなり強いけど、ssj悟空の方が強いと思います。 pic.twitter.com/tWHbGleNvz— CAG / GO1 (@GO13151) November 6, 2019
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