Hey there Fighting Game and Smash Community friends, we’re super excited to announce our newly designed toptier 2.0 website! We have a few new features and a lot to tell about what’s here now and what’s coming up ahead.
Arcade Aesthetic
As you can see, we got a brand new look to the entire site. Our love for fighting games was born in the arcade scene. There was this great excitement from putting up your quarter and either rubbing shoulders or going head to head to duke it out on the digital streets. We know that sadly the age of the arcades may be going away soon due to major economic factors and current trends. We want to preserve the arcade feeling as much as we can, so we’ve decided to base the design on the iconic Sega Astro Arcade City cabinet. You’ll see the touches of black, 1P green, 2P magenta, and the yellow start buttons.
Better Load Times
If you’ve visited us before, you may notice that the site is running much lighter and snappier. Once you’ve loaded the site, any subsequent pages will load without completely refreshing the page, allowing content to load faster. You can even see the progress with our little load bar at the top of the page.
Dark & Light Mode
The slick new look comes with flexibility as well. The site is defaulted to our new dark mode aesthetic, but if you prefer the classic “ink on paper” reading experience, you can still toggle light mode. Just click the sun icon on the top right corner of the page and voila!, you’re back on the bright side.
New Event Finder
Finding events is much faster with a new intuitive interface. We’ve set up a dual column view so you can readjust your search without having to constantly go back to the top or reload the page. Our “locate me” button is also much faster to help find the event nearest to you.
Future Updates
We’re continuing to upgrade the experience for everyone that visits the site.
One thing we know that most people don’t like are the ads. It is the nature of the beast that keeping these upgrades going does cost money. So we are planning to set up ad-free subscriptions as a way to support us. This will help us to continue to work on and improve the site and allow you to have a clean experience.
Another big thing we’re working on is to allow tournament organizers to manage their own pages and events on our site. If you run an event, we’ll link you to manage your own events so you can edit the games, times, dates, photos, and much more (kinda like Yelp). You’ll be able to make sure that anyone looking for your event will get accurate info and will be excited to swing by.
With the nature of events, especially during pandemics, we know that the online space is growing rapidly. The demand for roll back net code and faster internet speeds becoming more available over time will definitely make online fighting games more prevalent and viable. So we’re planning to accommodate by implementing online event listings to our database.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter to find out when these updates are coming.
We’re determined to make the best website for you all and hope you enjoy what we have in store. Thank you so much! We truly appreciate you for your support.