Any fan of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will be familiar with Kyohei “MarlinPie” Lehr. Thanks to his creativity and razor-sharp execution, Lehr’s Dr. Doom was one of the signature characters of the Marvel 3 era. Since then, he’s brought the same qualities to Guilty Gear Xrd and Granblue Fantasy Versus. If you ever wondered how to play like this fan favorite, you’re in luck: Lehr recently dropped a video about some of the advanced button techniques that he uses.
In the video, he discusses double-tapping, triple-tapping, and rapid pressing (otherwise known as “mashing”). He covers not only the how but also the why and when, helping you to place these techniques in their proper contexts. Check out the full video below, then show him some support by following him on YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch.