Hailing from New York City, Javits Arias is a master fighting game technician. While he’s no longer as prolific as a Desk or a HiFight, Arias always keeps his eye on the latest goings-on in the scene. So when he posts a new tier list, there’s reason to pay attention.
His most recent list lays out the tiers for Street Fighter V: Champion Edition. Surprisingly, Arias’s topmost tier only has four entries, one of whom is Kolin. Obviously we’ll have to wait a while to see whether the ice queen can measure up to Arias’s expectations, what with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In the meantime, though, we can get back to the lab and discuss what we’ve found. You can see the full list and give your own feedback on the tweet below. Once you do, be sure to follow Arias here.
— Javits Arias (@jav1ts) April 15, 2020