On first glance, there’s no bad news in the Street Fighter V tier list that was just released by Kun Xian Ho, the Street Fighter pro best known simply as “Xian.” All of the game’s characters are clustered in the S-, A+, A-, and B tiers, suggesting a tight, well-balanced meta. Xian also says that “this is probably the most balanced SFV has ever been.” But when you get into the details, the picture isn’t as rosy as it may at first seem.
Here is the tier maker chart of his list:
In particular, Xian’s analysis of his bottom tier is brutal. The eight characters in B tier “have basically all been stuck here forever,” he admits. And when it comes to the odds of a B-tier character winning a tournament, Xian won’t rule it out, but he isn’t exactly optimistic, either: “miracles do happen” is his exact phrasing.
Then again, it’s hard to discount the word of a former Evolution Championship Series winner. So go see Xian’s full article here, then show him your support by following him on Twitter and Twitch.